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MAJOR POINTS TO TAKE NOTE OF WHEN READING INFO... 1. Do they have a financial interest? 2. Are they qualified? 3. Are they listing their sources? 4. Are their sources legitimate? 5. Is the information current? 6. Is it relevant in this country? 7. How did they prove it and what studies were performed?

This post is related to the last post I shared about the flu vaccine that is making its way around social media at the moment.…/15242-flu-vaccine-mercury.html… which was originally published by natural news.

I'm going to take this moment to use this as an example of how we can easily be led to believe whatever any person or business with an agenda wants us to believe, whether their intentions be good or not.

We are certainly living in an age of information and Doctor Google is becoming evermore popular as we start losing faith in what we are being told in our 3 minute GP consultations and start taking matters into our own hands. I am a MASSIVE fan of taking back your power and taking control of your own health and doing your own research, but you MUST be aware of what is theory and what is fact before believing anything that you read and convince your friends of your belief as well. I myself will certainly become more aware of what I post and share keeping in mind that someone may just take my word for whatever I say.

Lets use this post about flu vaccines as an example... This article is claiming that there is unsafe levels of mercury in flu vaccines. I am absolutely sure that this article was written with good intentions and there is some truth to it. In looking further into its sources of information we find that the ingredients list is from FLULAVAL which has been sourced from which is the flu vaccine that is not given in Australia. In Australia we have FLUVAX which does not contain mercury according to...…/Web…/1196562642777/ProductDetail.htm

When I posted this yesterday I had the comment...

"I think they removed thimerasol from all vaccines in 2000. It wasn't the kind of Mercury that bioaccumulates (ethyl Mercury). The scary one is methyl mercury smile emoticon"

LOVE when people give us thought provoking info!

This article contains a link to here... which contains many articles written on the health effects of mercury and its uses in vaccines.

One of the articles was this...… which contained the following info...

"All forms of mercury are toxic. Ethyl mercury is 1,000 times MORE toxic once it enters the cells, according to mercury expert Dr. Chris Shade.…...

But methyl mercury is believed by some to have a stronger bioaccumulative effect than ethyl mercury, thus making it more toxic. However, published research shows that both forms of mercury cross the blood-brain barrier"

Is this true? You can do the research wink emoticon

As you will see from this example. If you live in Australia this may be irrelevant. If you read this next year it will be irrelevant. Many of the sources are making money out of their articles and information, even though some may be qualified and we are unsure of the qualifications of the people who are writing some articles and what evidence do we have of their studies?

IN SAYING THAT! What do we really know about who is making the vaccines? We know what we are told, but lets keep in mind that someone does make money out of vaccines also. They do have documented side effects and they do save lives. So who do we trust? There has been documentation of independent testers finding mercury in vaccines that have claimed not to have mercury... Is that information true? Well unless you are present in the moment that your specific vaccine is being made to supervise exactly what goes in it, you really won't know. Is there quality control on these vaccines? yes. Do they test every vile before it goes out? Not as far as I am aware. Feel free to research that and prove me wrong wink emoticon

There are many natural products that are bogus and what works for one person may be ineffective or even harmful to another.

Lets take Autism for example. There is apparently no evidence of vaccines causing autism according to the companies supplying it. (Although in Australia they took it out just in case) Yet there are parents out there that will swear to you that the vaccine is what started it. Who do we believe? The person at the top may be hiding the truth about vaccines, but I am so sure that scientists aren't out to give kids autism. Who is being duped here? There has also been talk of Autism being cured or helped to some degree with things like diet, energy medicines, acupuncture, detoxification, probiotics and even reducing emf exposure! Will each of those things work on every child? I doubt it is that simple. But then there is the placebo effect, the worst enemy of science for sure. How difficult is it to really prove how effective a treatment is when a large portion of people will spontaneously improve just because they think they will and then not improve, even though they may have because they believed they wouldn't!?

So how far down the rabbit hole do we go? That's where it is up to you to make informed choices for your own body. My goal here is simply to help you sift through the information in a way that makes you aware that you really can't believe everything you read... No matter what their intentions are.

In all honesty. If you are that scared of getting the flu, eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, stress less, don't eat foods you are intolerant to and build your immune system. Does that not make more sense anyway?

Interested on your thoughts as I am fully aware this is a controversial topic, so please comment.

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